Alsea Valley Gleaners
1993 to Present

Alsea Valley Gleaners (AVG) serves the Alsea Valley community by gathering and distributing food and household goods to local families in need.
In partnership with Linn Benton Food Share, our generous donors and grantors, and dedicated gleaners, our organization strives to strengthen our community through increased food savings and security.

Our Distribution Center is located at:
18889 Haines Rd, Alsea, Oregon 97324

Distribution is every Friday 2-7pm. New members welcome anytime.

Click here to donate via Paypal:


1993 to Present

The Alsea Valley Gleaners have been part of this community since 1993. The Alsea Valley Gleaners first operated under the South Benton Gleaners for five years from 1993-1998. We became our own 501(c)(3) organization February 2, 1998.

The name Gleaners stems from a biblical reference in the Book of Ruth of gleaning/gathering the grain left in the field by the reapers. It would be the symbol for turning the problem of food waste into a solution for hunger. Gleaning is a two thousand year old tradition of farmers leaving a portion of their crop in the field to be harvested by those who needed it. In the present day we harvest what the farmers were unable to.

The people involved in the Alsea Valley Gleaners follow the philosophy that everyone works together for the group instead of individuals for themselves. Everyone has a task and no one’s task is more or less important than anyone else’s. If we do what is good for the group, then it is good for every individual. No one is asked to give more than they are able. People are made aware of their responsibilities before they join the group.