Who are Adoptees?

Alsea Valley Gleaner Adoptee Member Households:

  • Located within 30 miles of AVG’s distribution site in Alsea, OR.
  • Meet the 2022 income guidelines set forth for gleaning organizations.
  • Any adult who, due to physical or mental condition, cannot perform required service hours to the organization and where there is no other adult in the household that may serve hours.
  • Understands that AVG is not required to deliver food to adoptee households. 
  • Welcome to attend all Board and membership meetings and vote in AVG elections.
  • Discuss any concerns with appropriate Board members or by filing a grievance.

Being an Adoptee does not mean that your food box will be delivered to you. A family member, caregiver or volunteer may pick up your box for you if you are not able.  If you have no way to pick up, please speak with an AVG coordinator or board member.